I plan to do my master's degree in Italy: I love the language, and culturally, Italy is a great fit for me – I love the food :). The certificate is one of the hurdles for my master's degree in Italy. For this, I took three Italian courses: A1, A2, and B1. Professor Mattedi designed the course to be very free and interactive. I hardly had to study for the exams because I had already consolidated most of the material in class. I've already received the UNIcert certificate, and I'll keep it for future reference. (translated from german)
Alexander Koppelt, Italian III
The free language courses offered by FK 13 are a great opportunity to maintain and further develop language skills acquired during school and during your stay abroad. I took the French course "La France actuelle" and also started with Chinese. I'm a bit of a Francophile; I simply like the sound of the language and appreciate the peculiarities of our neighboring country. In Chinese, I was fascinated by the Chinese characters. The French course is designed to be incredibly interesting, not only because it reinforces vocabulary and grammar, but also reflects on current topics and explores sociocultural and political phenomena. It's exciting to exchange ideas with other course participants and use the language orally. (translated from german)
Lola Zschiedrich, French B2
I took the Japanese I language course for an internship abroad with the BMW Group in Tokyo. The idea was to learn the basics of the language to make everyday life in Japan easier. I may take another language course, such as English, during my master's studies, as I was very satisfied with the structure and content of my first Japanese I language course. (translated from german)
Korbinian Scheck, Japanese I
I think it's great that we can take so many language courses at FK13. After I graduate, I'd like to move abroad and work in a hotel, for which foreign languages are, of course, essential. So far, I've taken French, Spanish, and Italian courses. The beginner courses are quite intensive: You learn in small groups, allowing you to reach a good level of language in a short time. What I particularly liked about Spanish IV is that, instead of regular classes, you work in groups on a blog. This allowed us to put the language into practice and also express ourselves creatively. The UNIcert certificate is a great way to demonstrate your acquired language level, for example, for job applications. It's also free and doesn't expire. (translated from german)
Michelle Schuf, Spanish IV
I have been teaching at Munich University of Applied Sciences with joy and great enthusiasm since the summer semester of 2017. I am motivated by the pragmatic teaching of my native language, the intercultural experience I am able to teach and experience in my courses, and the excellent atmosphere in all of Munich University's events. I am always delighted when students tell me over the course of the semester that French isn't as difficult as they thought, and that they learned a lot in the course while having fun and enjoying it. You should study French because France is Germany's leading economic partner, and because learning French can help you quickly achieve new professional goals. (translated fom german)
Flore Cabaret, Teacher for French
English remains a very important global language – whether for travel or professional development. It's a joy for me that my work helps others progress: After every lesson, I can see that the students have learned something new and have taken something away with them that they didn't know at the beginning of the lesson. That's fantastic. (translated from german)
Nicholas Sinn, Teacher of Intercultural Business English
The limits of our languages are the limits of our world: In an increasingly complex world, multilingualism is the key to greater peace and tolerance. I have been teaching at the Munich University of Applied Sciences since 2007. As a professor of Spanish, as well as of cultural and area studies of the Spanish-speaking world, my motivation is to provide students with in-depth access to the social, political, and economic developments of Spanish-speaking countries. At the same time, I want to prepare them for their professional lives, in which Spanish language skills and intercultural awareness are becoming increasingly important. Projects and creative work are important to me in my teaching – as is the search for new multimedia formats and methods. (translated from german)
Prof. Dr. Begoña Prieto Peral, Teacher for Spanish
For many years, I have enjoyed teaching Italian language and culture at Munich University of Applied Sciences. Italian is a beautiful, melodious language and, for many Germans traveling to Italy, a culturally rich country, essential for successful communication at their vacation destination. From a professional perspective, a solid knowledge of Italian can be of great importance to our students. Italy is one of Germany's most important trading partners worldwide. For companies with close business relations with Italy, employees with Italian language skills are a great asset. Italian language skills are particularly sought after in the tourism industry. For example, one of my Tourism Management students was able to open a travel agency specializing in opera tours to Italy thanks to the excellent Italian skills she acquired with us. (translated from german)
Prof. Dr. Cristina Mattedi-Puhr-Westerheide, Teacher for Italian